
  • Physical activity: People who have an active lifestyle are generally more effective at work and leisure. The most obvious reason why our training is of value, is that you move physically. Perhaps less obvious, is that we can start from almost any base fitness point to help you gain benefit and what we offer is fun and fad free.
  • Self-confidence: We can help you develop self-confidence. This aids relationships, effective communications and personal development. People are often surprised to discover the martial arts are not all about fighting. The skills you learn with us are equally valuable to help avoid and resolve conflict and have confidence in your day-to-day life.
  • Connect to your mind and body: We can help you to learn to really listen to your body, clear your thoughts and heighten awareness of yourself and your surroundings. This aids your personal wellbeing in a range of ways from understanding what your body is telling you through to reading your physical environment to remain as safe as possible in daily life.
  • Be: At some point in life, every one of us needs to understand that one of the greatest hurdles we face is ourselves. Taking the time to “be” and understand “self” is essential to wellbeing but, of the many challenges people face, finding stillness and silence can be one of the most difficult to find and understand. The daily grind and connected lifestyle make this even harder.